Methods To measur the radon concentration in well, analyze the content of nature radionuclide, measure γ radiation levels, survey 13 underground coal mine in 4 county of Guizhou province. 方法在贵州省4县、区13个地下煤矿进行矿井内氡浓度、煤矿天然放射性核素含量、煤矿γ外照射水平测量。
The emanation scintillation method to determine the radon content is the principal way. 射气闪烁法是测氧的主要方法。
In minerals by means of scintillation emanometry, we have carried out the measurement on radon content in minerals at various temperature in barren and ore-bearing granites of the granite-type uranium deposit No. 我们对七五二花岗岩中铀矿床的无矿及含矿花岗岩用闪烁射气法进行了各种温度间的矿物热释氡量的测定;
Absolute measurement method of environment radon content 环境氡浓度绝对测量方法
The theoretical concentration of radon in air was calculated applying the convection and dispersion theories, the content was 80.2Bq/m3 in average, which was approximately in accord with the measured value in field. 应用氡的对流和扩散理论,计算了空气中氡的理论浓度,平均值为80.2Bq/m3,计算结果与实测值基本吻合。
It has been found that the phenomenon releasing steam is strong and there exists close relation between soil radon content and volcanic structure. 永安-大庆副业一队四条剖面,测量结果发现火山区内放气现象强烈,土氡含量与火山区构造有密切关系。
Variation of dispersion of radon content in groundwater and short-term and imminent precursors of earthquakes 地下水中氡含量离散度变化与地震的短临前兆
The direct method of fuzzy pattern recognition has been applied to detection of precursory changes in seismic activity, volume strain, ground water level, the radon content in ground water, tilt and tide. 本文把模糊模式识别的直接方法用于检测日本东海地区地震活动性、体积应变、地下水位、地下水氡含量、地倾斜和潮位中的前兆变化。
Coupling Relation between the Radon Content in Soil and the Faults in Ninghe County, Tianjin 天津市宁河县土壤氡含量与断裂构造的耦合关系初探
The earthquakes occurred during radon content dropping. 地震发生在氡值下降的过程中。
Results of the experiment show that rock rupture may be considered as one of the causes of variation of Radon content before the occurrence of an earthquake. 实验结果表明,可以认为岩石破裂是引起地震之前氡含量异常的原因之一。
Study on short term temporal anomaly of radon content in ground water before some moderate and strong earthquakes 中强地震前水氡短临异常的研究
On the use of the instrument's K-value in ground-water radon content observations 试论水氡观测中仪器K值的使用
The main features of the forewarning abnormity of the earthquake are: ( 1) abnormity in the components of the solution gas, anomalous radon content in water and the well pressure anomaly, the anomaly period is about three to four years; 该井在这次地震的前兆异常的主要特点是:⑴溶解气体组分、水氡、井压等存在中期异常,异常时间都在3~4年;
Then based on both the theories and the measurement data on radon flux rate and soil properties, the influences of soil radium content, moisture saturation, soil porosity and soil texture were analyzed. 本文结合了前面理论研究和实测数据具体分析了土壤镭含量、含水饱和度、孔隙度和粒径分布对土壤氡浓度与地表氡析出率的影响,并用实测数据验证上述简化氡析出率理论模型。
Dynamic pattern of variation rate of radon content in groundwater before and after the Tangshan m S7.8 earthquake 唐山地震前后水氡变化率动态图象的特征分析
Samples were determined by uranium chemical analysis and radium radiochemical analysis and it is obvious to note that the radon content released from thermal effect in minerals is positively correlated to the uranium and radium content. 样品又做了化学铀分析和放射化学镭分析。明显看出热释氡量与铀、氡含量成正相关关系。
In order to study the variation of Radon content as an earthquake precursor, a model experiment was performed on the relation between the rock rupture and variation of Radon content. 为探索氡含量的变化能否视作地震前兆,作者进行了岩石破裂与氡含量变化关系的模拟实验。
Change characters of radon content in groundwater before several earthquakes with M ≥ 6.0 in Yunnan Province 云南近期几次M≥6.0级地震前水氡异常特征
Investigation of condition and method for measuring emanative radon content in water 水中放射性氡测定条件探索及其测定方法
The results showed that the indoor radon was mostly influenced by the spring water radon content, the bathing time long or short and the ventilation status. 室内氡浓度的主要影响因素是:温泉水氡浓度高低,室内使用温泉水的情况(使用与否、使用时间等)和通风状况等。
The materials of seismic swarm activity, aftershock sequence, Radon content in ground water, and fault displacement which are used as a "window" for studying the changes of the regional stress field and case histories are collected. 汇集了利用震群活动、余震序列、地下水氡含量观测和断层位移测量作为应力窗口研究区域应力场变化的实际资料和震例。
Tidal wave components in hourly value sequence and daily value sequence of radon content of groundwater 水氡时值序列和日值序列中的潮汐波分量
The digital and imitative data of the radon content in groundwater from 2000 to 2002 at Liaocheng hydrochemistry station are comparatively analyzed. 对聊城水化站3年(2000~2002)的数字化氡与模拟氡观资料进行了对比分析,结果表明:(1)两者的曲线变化形态并不一致;
The correlation between the variations of the radon content in water and the changes of relative strain is rather good. 震源区内水氡的变化与相对应变相关。
In the cold area where soil is relatively wet, the thicker frozen soil layer forms a closure system in winter, causing underground radon content to be higher than in summer; thereby, the observed value shows high in winter and low in summer shape variation. 同时认为,在土壤相对潮湿的寒冷地区,冬季较厚的冻土层形成了良好的封闭系统,使地下氡气浓度相对增高,测值呈冬高夏低的变化形态。
An experimental study of the relation between rock rupture and variation of radon ( rn) content 岩石破裂与氡含量变化关系的实验研究
Further discussion based on such observations suggests that the increase in radon content in water after the main shock may be related to the strain adjustment in the earthquake source region and the cumulative increase of macroscopic fractures of the water bearing rock formations. 据此相关性进一步讨论提出,震源区内水氡在主震后的上升可能与震源区应变调整、含水岩层宏观裂隙累积增长有关。